Breaking Sets Left and Right.
Alrighty, blogosphere, I’m counting on you. With my renewed focus and restraint for the coming year, I’m going to break up several of the sets on which I was working. If you need cards from the following, shoot me a message or your want list, and I’ll be happy to see if there’s anything I have for you. Trust me, my wife will love you for it.
I’m planning on keeping my favorites from these sets and using even more as autograph fodder, but please ask away.
1981 Topps
1984 Topps
1987 Topps
1988 Donruss
1988 Score
1989 Score
1989 Topps (a full set that I’m breaking)
2013 Panini Hometown Heroes (have the bulk of the base set, maybe an SP or two)
2013 Panini Triple Play (do you want any of this? please, take it all)
2014 Topps (wasn’t building this, but I have plenty from all three series)
2015 Topps (decided not to carry this one out after all)
Also, I still have plenty of these available from the junk wax that my friend dropped on me.
1989 Upper Deck
1990 Donruss
1990 Upper Deck
1991 Upper Deck
1992 Pinnacle (series one, I believe)
1992 Upper Deck
And there are still extras from a few more sets that I built:
1993 Studio
1995 Skybox E-Motion
2013 Topps Archives
So fire off those requests and allow me to send you some cards!
– Bru
Woo! Let me know if you have any of these cards:
1989 upper deck – Steve Finley RC
1991 upper deck- Luis Gonzalez RC
(I'll take any of Finley and Gonzo from your listed sets)
2015 Topps – Nick Ahmed
I'll take any of the 84 Topps that you have. Plus any 89 Upper Deck and 2015 Topps.
I can probably use most or all of the 2013 and 2014 cards. If you want that can be part of your return on the trade we did this summer.
Any catchers from 81 Topps would be great. The Triple Play and Hometown Heroes can have a new home with me as well.
I'd be interested in '89 UD, '92 Pinnacle, and '88 Donruss (yes, really).
I could use the following:
1981- #14,18,23,25,29,30,55,58,77,83,89,95,117,150,188,197,245,258,266,373,386,422,459,503,688
Interested in the emotion cards
Interested in the emotion cards
Any chance you have any of these?
1981 Topps- 240
1984 Topps – 36,116,127,172,198,383,422,446,470,538,660,752
1989 Score- 113,300,523
2014 Topps- 542,US-10
2015 Topps – 246,471
1989 Upper Deck- 58,97,112,305
1992 PINNACLE-19,43,70,84,140,189,196,225,255
1993 Studio -3,34,59,86,115,143,171,194
1995 EMOTION-135,136,137,138,139
2013 Topps Archives – 176
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