Trader’s Backlog: Anything But Grim
Another morning, another TCDB post from last year – we’re still in March (ugh). This was a nice little trade with Jason, aka grim25, so please pardon the pun in the post title. I sent Jason a stack of 1992 Score to help his kids try and finish off a set build, along with a handful of other cards. In exchange, I poached a handful of Astros, and a couple other goodies.
First, the non-Astros highlights: an ’83 Donruss DK of Rickey Henderson and an ’87 Mother’s Cookies featuring the fabulously mustachioed Rollie Fingers. Two lovely pieces of HOF cardboard.
There were half a dozen Astros needs in this package, but the highlight was this baby, a brand new Bagwell for my collection. I broke the 1000 mark sometime in 2017, so I think it’s high time I started really undertaking a regular series highlighting what is arguably the center of my collection. This one is from the 2000 Upper Deck e-Card insert set. I’m not sure if these were an actually insert or if there was some redemption business, but hey – new Bagwell!
Thanks again Jason!
– Marc