Trader’s Backlog: Hoarding The Astros
A quick backlog post. This was another swap with Jason of Hoarding Cardboard – the second of 2017! Here’s a few cards I scanned back in March.
Oh, Todd. Just being a goofball, eh? I’m pretty sure the ’95 Score Pete Harnisch is the one where his cap is on backwards and he’s in full windup, so perhaps the photographer was just having a bit of fun at Spring Training that year. Alvin Morman is not impressed. I really love that 1994 Classic set, though, and the Tuscon Toros had some great uniforms.
There was more great ’90s cardboard that took care of some needs on my wantlist. While it’s nowhere near as clean as the ’93 set, I think the ’94 Flair set is under-appreciated. I don’t know, just something about the big shield that starts the last name just works. Plus those early Flair cards are great in hand. Jason also tracked down a Silver Signature parallel I needed from 1996 Collector’s Choice.

Thanks for another swap Jason!
Thanks to your wantlists being so organized, picking out cards for you is easy. Glad you enjoyed the Haddix (as well as the others, of course).
Marc, need your address again, thanks