Heritage Days Are Here Again
Oh, just the new acquisition and the friendly neighborhood coffee shop owner. Pence was hanging out there every day when they opened until he left for Spring Training.
Kiermaier looks like he’s ready to hit a piñata, while Lindor looks like he’s about to run some lines. That’s a strange card on the right – posed in leadoff position, but clearly on a back field with lines?
Pulled some Sporting, er Topps News All-Stars as well, and the Trout checklist. Photo reusage! I’m hanging onto the Posey, Trout, and Judge All-Stars for now.
Mini mojo delivered a pint-sized Gallo #’d 17/100. These are always neat. I think I’ll hang on to it to for the moment. That is, unless some Rangers fan has something nice they’d like to swap for it.
Pulled the two big Yankee bats as well. Judge-mania is way overblown, in my opinion, but this is a very nice card. It certainly doesn’t hurt to see the giant Rookie Cup there either. I’ll hang onto that for now. I’ve got a nice little Stanton PC, but there’s just something about this card that screams no thanks, so it’s available too.
Big name hits! A Chrome Refractor of Harper (pulled the base as well) #’d 397/569 – I’ll keep that! And as much as I said I didn’t like the other Stanton card, I’ll file this one away with the keepers. Maybe it’s the pinstripes instead of the road grays, but I think it’s the throwback to the Transogram statue design. It’s different, and that’s what makes its case to stay.
Ah, the World Series subset. These are superb looking. Of course, I pulled two Dodger victories, but no matter – I’ll need the whole run of them of course.

Am I going to buy a bunch more of this? Probably not, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if I come home with a couple more hanger packs. Overall it’s a nice set. I won’t build it – trying to pare things down a bit, but I’ll find some keepers and put the rest on the trading block.
– Marc
Love that Lindor card!