A month ago, amidst a fit of impatience while waiting on 2015 Topps to come out, I scoured the card aisle in Target in desperation. Something, anything would do. Unfortunately it’s still dominated by basketball and football cards, which don’t interest me in the slightest.
I checked the marked-down section and found a happy little blaster of 2013 Gypsy Queen for $12.99, which I nabbed. It had some neat inserts – if I find some time maybe I’ll post those.
Not happy with the one blaster, though, I gambled on one of those Fairfield blasters, the kind that has “4 packs plus 50 cards and a bonus item!” inside. My “bonus item” turned out to be a Cardsupial that I sent on to P-Town Tom. The card-supials were a Pacific insert, consisting of a card with a slice in it, creating a pocket in which they put a mini. God bless you, Pacific.
My two tiny packs of Bowman/Chrome stuff didn’t yield anything interesting, so when I started to open the two dreaded packs of 2013 Topps, my expectations were really low.

That’s when this fell out.
Lo and behold, a redemption pull! And not just any Joe Schmo, either – Giancarlo himself!
At first I was a little worried that this guy might be expired, but fortunately I was a year away from that fate.
After a few weeks of waiting, he showed up in the mail last week. Are you ready to meet him?
Just a little farther…
Boom! It’s a sticker auto, but I don’t care. Here’s hoping he can rebound swiftly from that pitch to the face last fall.
That’s all for tonight. I loaded up about 20 drafts with scans today, including a couple trade posts that had slipped through the cracks. Whoops! I’m sorry about that. It’s what happens when you start a new job, move, travel during the holidays, and start school once again – all within two months.
It’s not like my calendar is getting less busy anytime soon, but hopefully with all those drafts semi-prepped I can find time to keep banging out some posts.
– Bru