A Mini Mailday
Does three trades really constitute a mini mailday? Well, they were all small swaps, and two featured minis, so I’m going to say yes. These are cards that arrived on Saturday, and I decided I should just whip up a quick post to keep myself from getting too bogged down. As I’ve said, it’s been busy around here.

First up, we have a quick swap with Cody L., (codylee1627, if you’d like to trade with him), consisting of a Bregman from 2019 Donruss and an A&G Back mini Verlander from Ginter. This Bregman is actually the photo variation version and not the base version that was listed, but that’s fine because I actually accidentally picked up the base version in another recent trade and I still needed this one.

Next up was some more mini madness, this time courtesy of Jared B. (Gapporin), whom I’ve made swaps with before. I had several new Cardinals cards he needed, and as I’ve said – I’m trying to clear out some space. So I shot over an offer and downsized seven cards into six mini-sized cards, including four PS-2000 inserts from 1999 Pacific Private Stock, and another New to the Zoo mini from 2019 Ginter. The Bonds made it into my Mini Frankenset project (which I need to post about), but the others couldn’t push out the respective challengers I’d already collected. That’s okay, though, I may get crazy and try to build the whole set. I’ve already decided to do this with the 2011 Kimball’s Champions inserts after several either had the same fate or got pushed out by better options. It doesn’t hurt that I have an ample supply of 20-mini pages at the ready, either.
These last two cards are actually the final piece of a TCDB trade that came in incomplete. My latest trade with Billy W. (billwill305) was supposed to include these green parallels, but came in with a pair of base versions. I get it, you’re looking at the backs and just pulling quick – it happens. While the bright green borders shouldn’t appeal to me thanks to the color clash, uh, some weird part of my brain just really thinks they look sharp.

Heck, let’s go ahead and talk about the rest of the cards from this trade, since I haven’t posted about them yet. This one saw some more parallels arrive, including that red foil Correa from 2019 Stadium Club. The Beer was a nice insert from Bowman Platinum. We traded him away for Greinke, but he’s still going to be an Astro in Bowman Chrome this week, so more beer is on the menu for me I suppose. That Heritage card finally knocked out my SP needs for the year – Houston had six players in the 400 series this year, and I was not pleased about it.

The coolest part of the trade was this trio of Indigo parallels from 2019 Gypsy Queen. This set looked good this year – the HDR processing was scaled back slightly, and I can even overlook that goofy “Slated at” designation by the position. The blue-ish borders on these pop nicely with the blue and orange in Houston’s uniforms. These puppies are all numbered to 250, so picking up three at once was a huge surprise. The Bregman here is my favorite, but they’re all pretty nice.
Thanks for the trades Billy, Cody, and Jared! They were most appreciated.