I’m in a rut. I don’t really know what to attribute it to, just a general sense of malaise. But, I’m going to see a show tonight, so hopefully that helps lift my spirits a bit.
Anyhow, trades! There have been so many. Let’s knock out a few more.

Yep, that’s right – I’m back again, and prior to this trade I was indeed still missing some 1990 Fleer Update Astros. I snared these, and finally put the team set to rest with another trade that rolled in later. But Javier Ortiz and Eric Yelding came my way via Dallas (Dmurry), who swapped with me back in early January.

Our trade wasn’t just limited to junk wax, either. These shiny cards came from last year’s Chronicles set. These are not my favorite designs from it, but I have a weird fondness for this entire set.

Dallas also had a sampling of the 2019 Gold Label set for me. The first two are Class 1 – aka the base cards. That Nolan on the right is a Class 3. It’s interesting to me that they kept the same secondary photo for these.
Speaking of power pitchers, Dallas had a rocket and the purple chrome Verlander from 2019 Heritage. Funzo.

These came from Stephen (slwcards) at TCDB. Wait, why these cards? Well, I had a lot to send, and not a lot of matches, so I plucked up a pair of 1993 UD for a set build I began. No, I haven’t blogged about that yet, either.
Stephen finally landed me that Wacky Packages sticker and I crossed off the Houston checklist from 1991 Topps.

These were the highlight of the trade, however, because these 1990 cards are actually not Topps, but rather their Canadian counterparts. Yessiree, they’re O-Pee-Chee! Thanks Stephen.

Finally, Billy from Astros A to Z and I connected on Twitter. I had a couple of signed customs, he had a Roger Clemens relic that he was looking to unload. Success!
Alright, it’s showtime. Sayonara, suckers.
The Gold Label Nolan Ryan’s look really good, but you are right… that secondary photo should be different on the class 3 variation.