An Assorted Mailday
It’s an odd week here at the office. Most of the staff is gone (it’s a small office), and things are very quiet. I’m getting some good work done on a couple big projects, thanks to the lack of distractions. It’s also afforded me a small amount of blogging time, as you may have noticed.
Yesterday’s mailbox was similarly odd, with a wild assortment of goodies waiting for me, including some of those hand-egg fellers.
Let’s start off with yesterday’s TTM return: fellow Texas A&M alum Quentin Coryatt. He’s best remembered for what at A&M is simply called, “the hit,” a crushing blow that he delivered on a hapless TCU receiver that got the attention of ESPN. Today, it’s probably not legal, but it’s definitely a stunner. This autograph was a stunner too, as it’s one of the first I sent when I resumed my TTM endeavors in January – of 2014! Yep, this puppy has been out for over three years, and Quentin only lives about 30 minutes from me and probably 10 minutes from my folks.
And, here’s a pair of football Hall of Famerse. Joshua didn’t have much on my want list, but I took advantage of his trade list to pick up a few football guys, mostly in the effort of sending them off for some autographs. As a local legend, Warren Moon is a guy whose cards I pick up casually now and then – he and Hakeem Olajuwon share a small binder. He looks like he could use some O-Line help here, but maybe he’s just thankful that he doesn’t have to worry about LT over there. Those ’87 Topps football cards are a killer design, with the pennants at the top. I may have to replicate that for some customs – think about how awesome they would look as horizontals! Taylor does sign now and then via the Football HoF, but it seems very hit and miss. I picked up a couple more and might try to send him one before this year’s induction.
Finally, we come to the lone Astro in the trade package, this ’88 Fleer Glenn Davis. Glenn wants to know why the hell it took me so long to get to him, what with this being an Astros blog and all.
As always, any new Astros card is a welcome card in my collection, so Glenn’s just going to have to get over it and settle into his happy new home amongst my other Astros cards from 1988.
Thanks again for the trade, Joshua!
Last, but certainly not least – it’s time to pimp another contest! A Penny Sleeve for Your Thoughts is going to fire up the randomizer, and one lucky entrant is going to get some COMC loot. Go enter already!
– Marc
The photo chosen for that Coryatt card is quite unique. It reminds me of the blogosphere favorite '73 Luis Alvarado baseball card.