Trader’s Backlog: Luck o’ the Irish.
It’s only fitting that I made a March trade with a TCDB user whose handle is irish77, right? I sent Mike 15 recent pulls – mostly 2017 Heritage and a few inserts, and he swapped me back a handful of very cool recent Astros inserts. That included this “Discs” insert from 2016 Heritage featuring Carlos Correa.
Now, I’m all for remaking great oddballs, but if you’re gonna call something a disc, you better trim it to a circle. C’mon Topps. I need this thing sliding around my 9-pocket like a crazy 7-month old baby who hasn’t quite figured out crawling yet. Oh wait, I’ve got one of those.
I’ll close out with two of the studs on the pitching staff on some fine cardboard. Keuchel and that gigantic beard, and the dark jersey/glove combo just looks great on what was a really good 2016 Allen & Ginter release. Mike also helped me out with this sweet McCullers rookie from 2016 Heritage High Numbers. Lance is just the greatest, y’all.
Thanks for the great cards Mike!
There are more backlogged trades coming soon, but I’ve got some other posts in store as well. Gotta keep up this good start to the year!
– Marc