Trader’s Backlog: Summer of ’74
Oof. Call me a bad blogger. I really need to finish my trade posts from 2017. This one is from back in May – at least I’ve May-de it that far, right?
Ok, I’ll see myself out.
Anyways, here’s a small set of cards I scanned that Matt of Summer of ’74 sent over. Matt hit our blogging scene with a bang last year, and I really enjoy his blog.
First up to showcase is a pair of parallels. What’s that you say? That’s just a plain old ’88 Fleer of Denny “Good Wood” Walling? Au contraire, mon ami – it’s a Glossy! I’m a fan of the ’92 Leaf Black Gold parallels too, I thought they made for a very nice take on the set.

Thanks again for the trade Matt! Let’s do it again soon – I promise to be a more prompt poster.
– Marc
Although I've yet to meet him, Denny Walling lives in my hometown (Waynesboro, VA).